Wedding Song Lists by Era

Looking for songs listed by era? The 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s? Check out our popular era song lists by the year the songs were released. My Wedding Songs has music from every era and for every guest at your perfect wedding.

Nothing makes a wedding more special than original touches that celebrate the personalities of the happy couple. Era wedding songs — and our lists — are one of the best ways to tap the uniqueness of every individual.

era song lists

Are You Looking For Era Wedding Songs?

We’ve compiled lists of wedding songs by era to help you find the songs that form the soundtrack of your life. “Soundtrack of your life.” Doesn’t that sound just amazing? You’re creating a new life as a couple.

It doesn’t matter if you were a 70s guy, 80s kid, or 90s gal, or if you feel like you should have been a youth in the 1940s, you’ll find something on our lists of era wedding songs that strikes a personal chord. These are the songs that have the ability to take you back to a specific moment in time. That moment can be your youth, or it can be the moment you first laid eyes on your spouse.

Era Song Lists

Choosing Wedding Songs by Era

Many couples believe the music they chose for their wedding is important to the overall success of the day. Most of them are looking for songs that evoke a specific emotion or feeling. No songs do that better than the ones you grew up with — or the era you identify with.

A great thing about era wedding songs is they naturally create a unique vibe for your special day. We’ve emphasized timeless songs in our era lists — and they’re listed by decade. These songs are modern and fit right in with today’s musical styles. You may even recognize some of them as many current artists are sampling songs from the past to create their present hits. And there are the covers, too.

Song Lists by Combined Years

The Era That Is Important to You

There is no rule that says you have to stick to tradition when it comes to creating your wedding playlist. The songs from a certain era can be used in your wedding processional, and they can also be used to dance the night away after the vows have been said. Most importantly, these era wedding songs represent the music that is most important to you.

Many of us would agree that music defines who we are. A memorable song conveys much more than romantic sentiment. It can also convey a look, a feel, and the general vibe of an era. Choosing the music that helped define your own life — even if it is the Backstreet Boys — will create a wedding day that you will remember for years to come.

Feel free to be creative with the era wedding songs that you choose. Use them in a variety of ways: honoring your grandparents with a period dance, for example. Trust us; there are songs on these lists that every bride would be happy to hear as she walks down the aisle. There are also songs that can be used for father-daughter dances and other emotional moments during the reception.

Your guests will appreciate a tip of the hat to the songs that have helped each decade stand out from the others. Let these era wedding songs be your tribute to life, love, and laughter.